Сегодня родилась Волчек Галина Борисовна
19 декабря 1933 года в Москве родилась Волчек Галина Борисовна. Это советский и российский режиссёр театра и кино, актриса, педагог. Волчек является режиссёром более чем тридцати спектаклей. Среди них русская и мировая классика, произведения современных отечественных и зарубежных авторов. Галина Волчек неоднократно приглашалась на постановки в театры Германии, Финляндии, Ирландии, США, Венгрии, Польши и других стран. Много занималась театральной педагогикой за рубежом. Среди последних приглашений - курс лекций и практических занятий, а также постановка спектакля в Нью-Йоркском университете.
On December 19, 1933 in Moscow Volchek Galina Borisovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian director of theater and cinema, an actress, a teacher. Volchek is a director of more than thirty performances. There are Russian and world classics, works of modern local and foreign writers among them. Galina Volchek was repeatedly invited to statements in theaters of Germany, Finland, Ireland, the USA, Hungary, Poland and other countries. She went in for theatrical pedagogics abroad very much. Among the last invitations - a course of lectures and a practical training, and also statement of a performance at the New York university.
On December 19, 1933 in Moscow Volchek Galina Borisovna was born. This is a Soviet and Russian director of theater and cinema, an actress, a teacher. Volchek is a director of more than thirty performances. There are Russian and world classics, works of modern local and foreign writers among them. Galina Volchek was repeatedly invited to statements in theaters of Germany, Finland, Ireland, the USA, Hungary, Poland and other countries. She went in for theatrical pedagogics abroad very much. Among the last invitations - a course of lectures and a practical training, and also statement of a performance at the New York university.
- university
- theater
- film director
- author
- thirty
- last, ultimate, final