Сегодня родился Гранин Даниил Александрович
1 января 1919 года родился Гранин Даниил Александрович. Это русский писатель, киносценарист, общественный деятель. С 1945 по 1950 год Гранин работал в научно-исследовательском институте. Позднее он стал профессиональным литератором. В возрасте 95 лет выступил в немецком Бундестаге перед депутатами и канцлером о блокаде Ленинграда и войне. Гранин начал печататься в 1949 году. Основное направление и тема произведений Гранина — это реализм и поэзия научно-технического творчества. Причиной тому техническое образование Гранина. Практически все его произведения посвящены научным изысканиям, поиску, борьбе между ищущими, принципиальными учёными и людьми недаровитыми, карьеристами, бюрократами.
On January 1, 1919 Granin Daniil Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a continuity writer, a public figure. From 1945 to 1950 Granin worked at research institute. Later he became a professional writer. At the age of 95 years he addressed in the German Bundestag deputies and the chancellor about the Siege of Leningrad and war. Granin started being printed in 1949. The main direction and a subject of works of Granin is realism and poetry of scientific and technical creativity. Technical education of Granin is a reason for that. Practically all his works are devoted to scientific researches, search, fight between people looking for something, basic scientists and people untalented, careerists, bureaucrats.
On January 1, 1919 Granin Daniil Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a continuity writer, a public figure. From 1945 to 1950 Granin worked at research institute. Later he became a professional writer. At the age of 95 years he addressed in the German Bundestag deputies and the chancellor about the Siege of Leningrad and war. Granin started being printed in 1949. The main direction and a subject of works of Granin is realism and poetry of scientific and technical creativity. Technical education of Granin is a reason for that. Practically all his works are devoted to scientific researches, search, fight between people looking for something, basic scientists and people untalented, careerists, bureaucrats.
- Russian
- writer
- to type
- education
- institute
- age
- scientific