Сегодня родился Кулешов Лев Владимирович
1 января 1899 года родился Кулешов Лев Владимирович. Это советский актёр, кинорежиссёр, сценарист и теоретик кино. Против воли отца поступил в Московское училище живописи, ваяния и зодчества. Лев Владимирович являлся одним из пионеров советского и мирового киноискусства, сыграл большую роль в исследовании специфики киноискусства, в развитии киноязыка, монтажа, технологии съёмок. Руководил документальными съёмками на фронтах Гражданской войны 1918—1920.
On January 1, 1899 Kuleshov Lev Vladimirovich was born. This is a Soviet actor, a film director, a screenwriter and a theorist of cinema. Against the will of his father he came to the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Lev Vladimirovich was one of pioneers of the Soviet and world motion picture art, played a big role in research of specifics of motion picture art, in development of film language, technology of filming. He directed documentary films on fronts of Civil war 1918 — 1920.
On January 1, 1899 Kuleshov Lev Vladimirovich was born. This is a Soviet actor, a film director, a screenwriter and a theorist of cinema. Against the will of his father he came to the Moscow school of painting, sculpture and architecture. Lev Vladimirovich was one of pioneers of the Soviet and world motion picture art, played a big role in research of specifics of motion picture art, in development of film language, technology of filming. He directed documentary films on fronts of Civil war 1918 — 1920.
- neighbour
- teacher
- development (noun, n.)
- painting
- countryside, village