Сегодня родилась Ростопчина Евдокия Петровна
4 января 1812 года в Москве родилась Ростопчина Евдокия Петровна. Это графиня, русская поэтесса, переводчица, драматург и прозаик. Потеряв мать в 6 лет, она росла в богатой семье своего деда. В 22 года она вышла замуж за богатого графа. Она дружила с такими поэтами, как Лермонтов, Пушкин, Жуковский. Растопчина писала стихи о неразделенной любви, а также повести и комедии.
On January 4, 1812 in Moscow Rostopchina Eudoxia Petrovna was born. This is the countess, a Russian poetess, a translator, a playwright and a prose writer. Having lost her mother in 6 years, she grew in a rich family of her grandfather. In 22 years she married the rich count. She was on friendly terms with such poets as Lermontov, Pushkin, Zhukovsky. Rastopchina wrote verses about one-way love, and also stories and comedies.
On January 4, 1812 in Moscow Rostopchina Eudoxia Petrovna was born. This is the countess, a Russian poetess, a translator, a playwright and a prose writer. Having lost her mother in 6 years, she grew in a rich family of her grandfather. In 22 years she married the rich count. She was on friendly terms with such poets as Lermontov, Pushkin, Zhukovsky. Rastopchina wrote verses about one-way love, and also stories and comedies.
- verse, lines
- Russian
- to marry smb.
- comedy
- rich