Сегодня родился Шишкин Георгий Георгиевич
25 января 1948 года родился Шишкин Георгий Георгиевич. Это русский художник, разработавший свою особую технику с оригинальным методом подготовки основы под пастель, автор картин цикла «Русские сны» и триптиха «Посвящение Русскому балету Дягилева», мастер современного портрета, автор почтовых марок Монако и России. Шишкин живёт и работает в Москве с 1981, в Париже с 1993 и в княжестве Монако с 1995 года.
On January 25, 1948 Shishkin Georgy Georgiyevich was born. This is a Russian artist who developed the special drawing technique with an original method of preparation of a basis for a pastel, the author of pictures of the cycle "Russian Dreams" and of the triptych "Dedication to the Russian Ballet of Dyagilev", the master of a modern portrait, the author of stamps of Monaco and Russia. Shishkin lives and works in Moscow since 1981, in Paris since 1993 and in Monaco since 1995.
On January 25, 1948 Shishkin Georgy Georgiyevich was born. This is a Russian artist who developed the special drawing technique with an original method of preparation of a basis for a pastel, the author of pictures of the cycle "Russian Dreams" and of the triptych "Dedication to the Russian Ballet of Dyagilev", the master of a modern portrait, the author of stamps of Monaco and Russia. Shishkin lives and works in Moscow since 1981, in Paris since 1993 and in Monaco since 1995.
- artist
- author
- picture
- ballet
- Monaco