Кошачьи глаза
Кошки плохо видят мелкие детали. они могут быть дальтониками, как люди, которые не различают красный и зеленый цвета. Все котята рождаются с голубыми глазами, а затем цвет их глаз может меняться. Кошки отлично видят ночью, поскольку их зрачки могут сужаться и расширяться намного больше, чем зрачки человека.
Cats hardly see small details. They can be color-blind as well as people who don't distinguish red and green colors. All kittens are born with blue eyes, and then color of their eyes can change. Cats perfectly see at night as their eyeballs can be narrowed and extend much more, than eyeballs of a human.
Cats hardly see small details. They can be color-blind as well as people who don't distinguish red and green colors. All kittens are born with blue eyes, and then color of their eyes can change. Cats perfectly see at night as their eyeballs can be narrowed and extend much more, than eyeballs of a human.
- cat
- at night
- change
- red
- bigger, more
- sky blue
- green (adj.)
- eyes