Национальный парк Башкирия
Национальный парк Башкирия был создан 11 сентября 1986 года на территории Республики Башкортостан (Россия). Он расположен на юго-западных склонах Южного Урала. Ежегодно территорию парка посещает около 30 тысяч человек. На территории парка находятся карстовые пещеры, родники, колодцы, три важные памятника природы. Ко всем памятникам природы проложены пешие и конные маршруты.
The national park Bashkiria was created on September 11, 1986 in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia). It is located on southwest slopes of South Ural. Annually the territory of park is visited by about 30 thousand people. In the territory of park there are karst caves, springs, wells, three important nature sanctuaries. To all nature sanctuaries pedestrian and horse routes are laid.
The national park Bashkiria was created on September 11, 1986 in the territory of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Russia). It is located on southwest slopes of South Ural. Annually the territory of park is visited by about 30 thousand people. In the territory of park there are karst caves, springs, wells, three important nature sanctuaries. To all nature sanctuaries pedestrian and horse routes are laid.
- cave
- monument
- man, person
- thausand
- important
- nature