В наше время handmade (ручная работа) очень популярна в России и многих других странах. Это искусство, где полезные и декоративные объекты делаются полностью вручную при использовании простых материалов как текстиль, бумага, растительные волокна, древесина, стекло, глина и т.д. Обычно термин применяется к традиционным методам создания вещей, которые и практичны и эстетичны. Сегодня многие городские и частные центры и школы предлагают классы и семинары, для взрослых и детей, преподают основные навыки ремесла за короткий период времени.
Nowdays handmade is very popular in Russia and many other countries. It is an art where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand using simple materials as textiles, paper, plant fibers, wood, glass, clay etc. Usually the term is applied to traditional techniques of creating items that are both practical and aesthetic. Today many city and privat centers and schools offer classes and workshops, for adults and children, teach basic craft skills in a short period of time.
Nowdays handmade is very popular in Russia and many other countries. It is an art where useful and decorative objects are made completely by hand using simple materials as textiles, paper, plant fibers, wood, glass, clay etc. Usually the term is applied to traditional techniques of creating items that are both practical and aesthetic. Today many city and privat centers and schools offer classes and workshops, for adults and children, teach basic craft skills in a short period of time.
- center
- today
- work, job
- usually
- short
- art
- time
- paper
- to teach