Курорт "Старая Русса"
Курорт "Старая Русса" находится в городе Старая Русса Новгородской области (Россия). Он был основан в 1828 году и считается одним из старейших курортов центральной России. Лечение здесь проводится главным образом минеральными водами и лечебной грязью. На территории курорта находится 8 целебных минеральных источников.
The resort of "Staraya Russa" is situated in the city of Staraya Russa of the Novgorod region (Russia). It was founded in 1828 andit is considered one of the oldest resorts of the central Russia. Treatment is carried out mainly by mineral waters and therapeutic mud here. There are 8 curative mineral sources in the territory of the resort.
The resort of "Staraya Russa" is situated in the city of Staraya Russa of the Novgorod region (Russia). It was founded in 1828 andit is considered one of the oldest resorts of the central Russia. Treatment is carried out mainly by mineral waters and therapeutic mud here. There are 8 curative mineral sources in the territory of the resort.
- Russia
- city (noun, m.)
- central
- to be, to exist
- main
- municipal