Сегодня родился Белов Олег Александрович
30 июля 1934 года в Новосибирске родился Белов Олег Александрович. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино, танцор, чечёточник. Белов участвовал в Сибирском народном хоре, в военном ансамбле песни и пляски, в Театре оперетты, бил чечётку на эстраде. Он был актёром киностудии "Ленфильм". Белов сыграл роль Оливера Кромвеля в фильме "Мушкетёры двадцать лет спустя", а также играл в фильмах "Весна двадцать девятого", "Туфли с золотыми пряжками" и "Сезон чудес" и в других.
On July 30, 1934 in Novosibirsk Belov Oleg Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a dancer, a tap dancer. Belov participated in the Siberian national chorus, in military ensemble of song and dancing, at Operetta theater, tap danced on a platform. He was an actor of the film studio "Lenfilm". Belov has played Oliver Cromwell's role in the movie "Musketeers twenty years later", and also played roles in movies "Spring of the Twenty Ninth", "Shoes with Gold Buckles" and "Season of Miracles" and in others.
On July 30, 1934 in Novosibirsk Belov Oleg Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a dancer, a tap dancer. Belov participated in the Siberian national chorus, in military ensemble of song and dancing, at Operetta theater, tap danced on a platform. He was an actor of the film studio "Lenfilm". Belov has played Oliver Cromwell's role in the movie "Musketeers twenty years later", and also played roles in movies "Spring of the Twenty Ninth", "Shoes with Gold Buckles" and "Season of Miracles" and in others.
- film
- shoes
- theater
- twenty
- spring
- golden