Сегодня родился Попов Олег Константинович
31 июля 1930 года родился Попов Олег Константинович. Это советский артист цирка (клоун), актёр. Попов начал свою карьеру эквилибристом, затем работал в Саратовском цирке клоуном. Он создал артистический образ "солнечного клоуна". В своих выступлениях артист использовал такие приемы как эквилибристика, акробатика, жонглирование, пародирование. Попов был участником многих телевизионных передач, принимал участие в детской телепередаче "Будильник".
On July 31, 1930 Popov Oleg Konstantinovich was born. This is a Soviet circus performer (clown), an actor. Popov has begun his career as an equilibrist, then he worked in the Saratov circus as a clown. He has created an artistic image of "the solar clown". In his performances the actor used such methods as equilibristics, acrobatics, juggling, parodying. Popov was a participant of many telecasts, took part in the children's telecast "Alarm clock".
On July 31, 1930 Popov Oleg Konstantinovich was born. This is a Soviet circus performer (clown), an actor. Popov has begun his career as an equilibrist, then he worked in the Saratov circus as a clown. He has created an artistic image of "the solar clown". In his performances the actor used such methods as equilibristics, acrobatics, juggling, parodying. Popov was a participant of many telecasts, took part in the children's telecast "Alarm clock".
- alarm clock
- actor
- child's