Сегодня родился Илья Чёрт
2 августа 1972 года в Ленинграде родился Илья Чёрт (настоящее имя Илья Леонович Кнабенгоф). Это российский музыкант, автор песен, писатель, лидер рок-группы "Пилот". За время работы в «Пилоте» Ильёй было издано несколько книг: 4 художественных («Тори», «Проводник», «Слипер и Дример», «Сущий Зверь») и 1 эзотерическая «Сказка о Прыгуне и Скользящем», пьеса «Беседы Абсолюта» и 2 книги стихов. Илья читает лекции по теме духовного воспитания и йоге.
On August 2, 1972 in Leningrad Ilya Chyort was born (a real name Ilya Leonovich Knabengof). This is a Russian musician, an author of songs, a writer, a leader of the rock group "Pilot". During his work in "Pilot" several books have been published by Ilya: 4 art ("Tory", "Conductor", "Sliper and Drimer", "the Real Animal") and 1 esoteric book "The tale of the Jumper and Sliding", a play "Absolute Conversations" and 2 books of verses. Ilya gives lectures on a subject of spiritual education and yoga.
On August 2, 1972 in Leningrad Ilya Chyort was born (a real name Ilya Leonovich Knabengof). This is a Russian musician, an author of songs, a writer, a leader of the rock group "Pilot". During his work in "Pilot" several books have been published by Ilya: 4 art ("Tory", "Conductor", "Sliper and Drimer", "the Real Animal") and 1 esoteric book "The tale of the Jumper and Sliding", a play "Absolute Conversations" and 2 books of verses. Ilya gives lectures on a subject of spiritual education and yoga.
- writer
- musician
- author
- August