Сегодня родился Ботвинник Михаил Моисеевич
17 августа 1911 года родился Ботвинник Михаил Моисеевич. Это советский шахматист, 6-й в истории шахмат чемпион и 1-й советский чемпион мира, гроссмейстер СССР и международный гроссмейстер. Ботвинник начал играть в шахматы, когда ему было 12 лет. Ботвинник Михаил был одним из сильнейших шахматистов СССР.
On August 17, 1911 Botvinnik Mikhail Moiseevich was born. This is a Soviet chess player, a champion, the 6th champion in the history of chess and the 1st Soviet world champion, the grand master of the USSR and the international grand master. Botvinnik began to play chess when he was 12 years old. Botvinnik Mikhail was one of the strongest chess players of the USSR.
On August 17, 1911 Botvinnik Mikhail Moiseevich was born. This is a Soviet chess player, a champion, the 6th champion in the history of chess and the 1st Soviet world champion, the grand master of the USSR and the international grand master. Botvinnik began to play chess when he was 12 years old. Botvinnik Mikhail was one of the strongest chess players of the USSR.
- champion
- international
- when
- to play
- history
- chessplayer
- chess