Сегодня родился Соллогуб Владимир Александрович
20 августа 1813 года в Санкт-Петербурге родился Соллогуб Владимир Александрович. Это русский писатель, прозаик, драматург, поэт и мемуарист. Соллогуб хорошо знал представителей высшего света и часто изображал их в своих произведениях. Первоначальную известность получил как автор светских повестей, в которых создал галерею представителей большого света пушкинского времени. В более поздний период своего творчества Соллогуб главным образом работал в области драматургии, писал водевили и только в конце жизни он начал писать романы.
On August 20, 1813 in St. Petersburg Sollogub Vladimir Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a prose writer, a playwright, a poet and a memoirist. Sollogub knew well representatives of the high society and often represented them in his works. He has gained initial fame as the author of secular stories in which he created gallery of representatives of society of Pushkin time. During later period of his creativity Sollogub mainly worked in the field of dramatic art, wrote vaudevilles and only at the end of his life he has begun to write novels.
On August 20, 1813 in St. Petersburg Sollogub Vladimir Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian writer, a prose writer, a playwright, a poet and a memoirist. Sollogub knew well representatives of the high society and often represented them in his works. He has gained initial fame as the author of secular stories in which he created gallery of representatives of society of Pushkin time. During later period of his creativity Sollogub mainly worked in the field of dramatic art, wrote vaudevilles and only at the end of his life he has begun to write novels.
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