Лечебное голодание
Лечебное голодание — это метод альтернативной медицины, который заключается в добровольном отказе от пищи, а иногда и воды, с последующим диетическим питанием в течение определённого периода. Метод основывается на ненаучной идее о существовании в организме так называемых шлаков, согласно которой при отсутствии поступающей извне пищи органы пищеварения и связанные с ними системы переходят в режим «восстановления» и очистки.
Medical starvation is a method of alternative medicine which consists in voluntary refusal of food, and sometimes water, with the subsequent dietary food during the certain period. The method is based on the unscientific idea about existence in an organism of so-called slags according to which in the absence of the food arriving from the outside digestive organs and the related systems pass into the mode of "restoration" and cleaning.
Medical starvation is a method of alternative medicine which consists in voluntary refusal of food, and sometimes water, with the subsequent dietary food during the certain period. The method is based on the unscientific idea about existence in an organism of so-called slags according to which in the absence of the food arriving from the outside digestive organs and the related systems pass into the mode of "restoration" and cleaning.