Первая книга Джеймса Гвотни
Первая книга Джеймса Гвотни никак не раскупалась. Писатель дал объявление в газету: "Молодой красивый миллионер хотел бы познакомиться с девушкой, похожей на героиню книги Джеймса Гвотни". Весь тираж был раскуплен за сутки.
The first book of James Gwartney was not popular. The writer gave an ad in newspaper: "a Young handsome millionaire would like to meet a girl that resembles the heroine of the book of James Gwartney". The entire edition was sold out within a day.
The first book of James Gwartney was not popular. The writer gave an ad in newspaper: "a Young handsome millionaire would like to meet a girl that resembles the heroine of the book of James Gwartney". The entire edition was sold out within a day.