Формикарий - это сооружение для содержания муравьёв или искусственный муравейник. Первые формикарии создавались энтомологами для своих научных исследований ещё в XIX веке. Однако повышенный интерес натуралистов и любителей к общественной жизни муравьёв привёл к массовому распространению простейших конструкций формикариев. Первый коммерческий формикарий был создан примерно в 1929 году.
Formicarium is a construction for content of ants or an artificial ant hill. The first formiсariums were created by entomologists for the scientific research in the 19th century. However keen interest of naturalists and fans in public life of ants led to mass distribution of the formicariums of elementary designs. The first commercial formiсarium was created approximately in 1929.
Formicarium is a construction for content of ants or an artificial ant hill. The first formiсariums were created by entomologists for the scientific research in the 19th century. However keen interest of naturalists and fans in public life of ants led to mass distribution of the formicariums of elementary designs. The first commercial formiсarium was created approximately in 1929.
- first
- however
- interest
- scientific
- public
- hotel