Сегодня родился Драгунский Денис Викторович
15 декабря 1950 года родился Драгунский Денис Викторович. Это российский филолог, политолог, писатель, журналист и драматург. Денис Драгунский является автором сценариев фильмов: "По секрету всему свету", "Удивительные приключения Дениса Кораблёва", "Клоун" и других. Самые известные литературные произведения Дениса Драгунского: "Нет такого слова", "Архитектор и монах", "Пчёлка", "Господин с кошкой" и многие другие.
On December 15, 1950 Dragunsky Denis Viktorovich was born. This is a Russian philologist, a political scientist, a writer, a journalist and a playwright. Denis Dragunsky is the author of scripts of the movies: "In confidence to the whole world", "Surprising adventures of Denis Korablyov", "Clown" and others. The most famous literary works of Denis Dragunsky are: "There is no such word", "The architect and the monk", "Bee", "Mister with a cat" and many others.
On December 15, 1950 Dragunsky Denis Viktorovich was born. This is a Russian philologist, a political scientist, a writer, a journalist and a playwright. Denis Dragunsky is the author of scripts of the movies: "In confidence to the whole world", "Surprising adventures of Denis Korablyov", "Clown" and others. The most famous literary works of Denis Dragunsky are: "There is no such word", "The architect and the monk", "Bee", "Mister with a cat" and many others.
- philologist
- Russian
- writer
- many
- journalist
- Mr, gentleman, sir
- architect
- author
- work
- literary