Кокосовая вода
Кокосовая вода - это сок молодых плодов кокосовой пальмы. По мере созревания кокоса, кокосовая вода густеет и превращается в кокосовое молоко. Затем это молоко затвердевает. Кокосовая вода, добытая из плода без трещин — стерильна. Она может быть использована в медицинских целях вместо физиологического раствора. Кокосовую воду нужно пить сразу после вскрытия кокоса, поскольку под влиянием света она быстро портится. Кокосовая вода содержит питательные вещества, включая витамины, минералы и антиоксиданты.
Coconut water is a juice of young fruit of a coconut palm. In process of maturing of a coco, coconut water gets denser and turns into coconut milk. Then this milk hardens. The coconut water extracted from a coco without cracks — is sterile. It can be used in the medical purposes instead of normal saline solution. Coconut water must be drunk right after opening of a coco as under the influence of light it spoils quickly. Coconut water contains nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Coconut water is a juice of young fruit of a coconut palm. In process of maturing of a coco, coconut water gets denser and turns into coconut milk. Then this milk hardens. The coconut water extracted from a coco without cracks — is sterile. It can be used in the medical purposes instead of normal saline solution. Coconut water must be drunk right after opening of a coco as under the influence of light it spoils quickly. Coconut water contains nutrients, including vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
- at once, right away
- it is necessary, one ought
- milk
- young
- medical
- fast