Виноградное варенье
Для приготовления виноградного варенья возьмите один килограмм винограда, свежий сок одного большого лимона, сто миллилитров воды, восемьсот граммов сахарного песка, немного корицы и гвоздики. Сварите сироп из лимонного сока, сахара, воды и пряностей. Проколите зубочисткой каждую вымытую ягодку винограда и положите в сироп. Несколько раз доведите ваш сироп до закипания, пока сироп не станет густым.
To make grape jam take 1 kg of grapes, fresh juice of one big lemon, 100 ml of water, 800 g of granulated sugar, a little of cinnamon and clove. Cook syrup from lemon juice, sugar, water and spices. Puncture with a toothpick each washed-up berry of grapes and put in the syrup. You should bring to boiling your syrup after cooling till the moment when the syrup becomes dense.
To make grape jam take 1 kg of grapes, fresh juice of one big lemon, 100 ml of water, 800 g of granulated sugar, a little of cinnamon and clove. Cook syrup from lemon juice, sugar, water and spices. Puncture with a toothpick each washed-up berry of grapes and put in the syrup. You should bring to boiling your syrup after cooling till the moment when the syrup becomes dense.
- fresh
- sugar
- after(wards), later (on)
- some, several
- lemon
- grapes
- to boil, to cook
- give a wash
- big (adj, m.)