Сегодня родился Филатов Леонид Алексеевич
24 декабря 1946 года в Казани родился Филатов Леонид Алексеевич. Это советский и российский актёр театра и кино, кинорежиссёр, поэт, писатель, публицист, телеведущий. Самые известные фильмы с участием Леонида Филатова: "Экипаж", "Из жизни начальника уголовного розыска", "Город Зеро, "Шаг", "Благотворительный бал" и многие другие.
On December 24, 1946 in Kazan Filatov Leonid Alekseevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a film director, a poet, a writer, a publicist, a TV host. The most famous movies with participation of Leonid Filatov are: "Crew", "From life of the chief of criminal investigation department", "the City of the Zero, "Step", "A charitable ball" and many others.
On December 24, 1946 in Kazan Filatov Leonid Alekseevich was born. This is a Soviet and Russian stage and film actor, a film director, a poet, a writer, a publicist, a TV host. The most famous movies with participation of Leonid Filatov are: "Crew", "From life of the chief of criminal investigation department", "the City of the Zero, "Step", "A charitable ball" and many others.
- film
- theater
- soviet
- Russian
- writer
- many
- city (noun, m.)
- famous