Сегодня родилась Дмитриева Лариса Борисовна
1 февраля 1937 года родилась талантливая советская артистка балета Дмитриева Лариса Борисовна. Она окончила Московское хореографическое училище при Большом театре и была принята в балетную труппу театра. Лариса Дмитриева была ведущей солисткой Большого театра на протяжении двадцати двух лет. Она создавала экспрессивные танцы ко многим драматическим спектаклям и художественным фильмам («Гардемарины, вперед!», «На Дерибасовской хорошая погода, или На Брайтон-Бич опять идут дожди»).
On February 1, 1937 a talented Soviet ballet dancer Dmitriyeva Larisa Borisovna was born. She has graduated from the Moscow choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theatre and has been admitted to a ballet troupe of the theater. Larisa Dmitriyeva was the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre during twenty two years. She created expressional dances to many drama performances and feature films ("Naval cadets, forward!", "Weather Is Good on Deribasovskaya, It Rains Again on Brighton Beach").
On February 1, 1937 a talented Soviet ballet dancer Dmitriyeva Larisa Borisovna was born. She has graduated from the Moscow choreographic school at the Bolshoi Theatre and has been admitted to a ballet troupe of the theater. Larisa Dmitriyeva was the leading soloist of the Bolshoi Theatre during twenty two years. She created expressional dances to many drama performances and feature films ("Naval cadets, forward!", "Weather Is Good on Deribasovskaya, It Rains Again on Brighton Beach").
- film
- college, (specialized) school
- theater
- weather
- ballet
- actress
- artistic
- talanted
- performance
- twenty