Сегодня родился Матэ Василий Васильевич
6 марта 1856 года родился Матэ Василий Васильевич. Это русский художник, рисовальщик, гравёр. Матэ был одним из основных граверов в России в конце двадцатого века. К тому же, он был автором многочисленных гравюр на дереве, портретов деятелей русской истории и культуры.
On March 6, 1802 Shtakenshneyder Andrey Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian architect who has designed a number of palaces and other buildings in St. Petersburg and Peterhof. The architect carried out the projects in different styles. He often mixed styles for achievement of more magnificent effect. He possesses such projects as the Mariinsky palace and a chapel on Nikolayevsky Bridge in St. Petersburg, Alferaki's Palace in Taganrog and many others.
On March 6, 1802 Shtakenshneyder Andrey Ivanovich was born. This is a Russian architect who has designed a number of palaces and other buildings in St. Petersburg and Peterhof. The architect carried out the projects in different styles. He often mixed styles for achievement of more magnificent effect. He possesses such projects as the Mariinsky palace and a chapel on Nikolayevsky Bridge in St. Petersburg, Alferaki's Palace in Taganrog and many others.
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