Зоопарк Лимпопо
Зоопарк Лимпопо расположен в Нижнем Новгороде. Это первый частный зоопарк в России. Зоопарк был основан в 2003 году. На данный момент в коллекции зоопарка представлено двести тридцать видов животных и более тысячи трёхсот особей. На территории зоопарка проходят общегородские и районные праздники.
The zoo Limpopo is located in Nizhny Novgorod. It is the first private zoo in Russia. The zoo was founded in 2003. At the moment two hundred thirty animal species and more than one thousand three hundred individuals are represented in a collection of the zoo. In the territory of the zoo take place city and regional holidays.
The zoo Limpopo is located in Nizhny Novgorod. It is the first private zoo in Russia. The zoo was founded in 2003. At the moment two hundred thirty animal species and more than one thousand three hundred individuals are represented in a collection of the zoo. In the territory of the zoo take place city and regional holidays.
- thausand
- celebration, holiday, festival
- first
- zoo
- collection
- animal