Сегодня родился Зенкевич Михаил Александрович
21 мая 1886 года родился Зенкевич Михаил Александрович. Это русский поэт и переводчик. Поэт родился в семье учителей. Зенкевич много занимался художественными переводами ("Юлий Цезарь" и "Мера за меру" Шекспира, "Война миров" Уэллса). Самые известные стихотворения Зенкевича: "Дикая порфира", "Сказочная эра" и многие другие.
On May 21, 1886 Zenkevich Mikhail Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian poet and a translator. The poet was born in a family of teachers. Zenkevich was engaged in literary translations (Julius Caesar and "A measure for a measure" of Shakespeare, "War of the worlds" of Wells) much. The most famous poems of Zenkevich are: "Wild porphyry", "A fantastic era" and many others.
On May 21, 1886 Zenkevich Mikhail Aleksandrovich was born. This is a Russian poet and a translator. The poet was born in a family of teachers. Zenkevich was engaged in literary translations (Julius Caesar and "A measure for a measure" of Shakespeare, "War of the worlds" of Wells) much. The most famous poems of Zenkevich are: "Wild porphyry", "A fantastic era" and many others.
- translator, interpretator
- translation, version, interpretation
- war
- teacher