Сегодня родился Ляпунов Александр Михайлович
6 июня 1857 года родился Ляпунов Александр Михайлович. Это русский математик и механик, академик Петербургской Академии наук и многих других академий наук. Работы Александра Ляпунова по теории устойчивости движения служат сегодня глубоким научным фундаментом теории разнообразных автоматических устройств и, в частности, систем управления полётом самолётов и ракет.
On June 6, 1857 Lyapunov Alexander Mikhaylovich was born. This is a Russian mathematician and a mechanic, tan academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and of many other academies of Sciences. Alexander Lyapunov's works on the theory of stability of the movement serve as a deep scientific base of the theory of various automatic devices and, in particular, of control systems of flight of planes and rockets today.
On June 6, 1857 Lyapunov Alexander Mikhaylovich was born. This is a Russian mathematician and a mechanic, tan academician of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and of many other academies of Sciences. Alexander Lyapunov's works on the theory of stability of the movement serve as a deep scientific base of the theory of various automatic devices and, in particular, of control systems of flight of planes and rockets today.
- theory
- system
- scientific
- mathmatics
- movement
- academy