Факты о пчёлах
Пчёлы живут на нашей планете около ста пятидесяти миллионов лет. В древности люди считали пчел мистическими и волшебными созданиями. В Библии нектар пчёл называется "небесной пищей". Древние греки чеканили монеты с изображением пчелы. В древнем Египте мед был самым популярным лекарством от многих болезней. Средняя пчелиная семья может собрать десять килограммов меда за сезон.
Bees live on our planet about one hundred fifty million years. In the ancient time people considered bees as mystical and magic creations. In the Bible nectar of bees is called "heavenly food". Ancient Greeks minted coins with the image of a bee. In ancient Egypt honey was the most popular medicine against many diseases. An average bee family can collect ten kilograms of honey per season.
Bees live on our planet about one hundred fifty million years. In the ancient time people considered bees as mystical and magic creations. In the Bible nectar of bees is called "heavenly food". Ancient Greeks minted coins with the image of a bee. In ancient Egypt honey was the most popular medicine against many diseases. An average bee family can collect ten kilograms of honey per season.
- to collect, to gather
- family
- million
- coin
- popular
- medicine
- illness