Ущелье Мешоко
Ущелье Мешоко расположено в республике Адыгея (Российская Федерация). Здесь множество живописных водопадов и скал, поэтому туристы любят это место. Здесь можно найти родник с чистой водой, каньон. Долина Мешоко изобилует археологическими находками времени первобытных людей. Ущелье Мешоко - это идеальное место для экологического туризма.
Meshoko's gorge is located in the Republic of Adygea (Russian Federation). Here a set of picturesque falls and rocks,that's why tourists love this place. It is possible to find here a spring with clear water, a canyon. Meshoko's valley abounds with archeological finds of time of primitive people. Meshoko's gorge is a perfect place for ecological tourism.
Meshoko's gorge is located in the Republic of Adygea (Russian Federation). Here a set of picturesque falls and rocks,that's why tourists love this place. It is possible to find here a spring with clear water, a canyon. Meshoko's valley abounds with archeological finds of time of primitive people. Meshoko's gorge is a perfect place for ecological tourism.
- tourist
- because
- tourism
- find
- one can, one may
- place
- here