Сегодня родился Гердт Зиновий Ефимович
21 сентября 1916 года родился Гердт Зиновий Ефимович. Это знаменитый советский и российский актёр театра и кино. Он родился под именем Залман Храпинович. В кругу друзей его называли "Зяма". Он был младшим четвертым ребенком в еврейской семье. С детства писал стихи. В возрасте 16 лет переехал из Себежа в Москву к брату. В Москве закончил заводское училище и работал электромонтажником. Параллельно он играл в театре. Через три года был переведен в основной театральный состав. Гердт - это артистический псевдоним актера. В июне 1941 года Зиновий Гердт ушёл добровольцем на фронт. В 1943 году под Харьковом был ранен в ногу и перенес 11 операций. После выздоровления снова вернулся в театр. Затем он начал сниматься в кино, но сначала как дублер. Был ведущим нескольких телепередач. Играл в фильмах: «Золотой телёнок», «12 стульев», «Соломенная шляпка», «Место встречи изменить нельзя», «О бедном гусаре замолвите слово»
On September 21, 1916 Gerdt Zinoviy Efimovich was born. This is the well-known Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. He was born with name Zalman Hrapinovich. Friends called him "Zyam". He was the younger fourth child in the Jewish family. Since the childhood he wrote poems. At the age of 16 he moved from Sebezha to Moscow to his brother. In Moscow he graduated from a factory school and worked as the construction electrician. At the same time he played at theater. Three years later he became a part of a main theatrical group. Gerdt is an artistic pseudonym of the actor. On June, 1941 Zinoviy Gerdt went to a front as a volunteer. In 1943 near Kharkov he was wounded in a foot and underwent ed 11 operations. After operations he returned to theater again. Then he started acting in films, but at first as a doubler. he was the host of several telecasts. He played in movies: "A gold calf", "12 chairs", "A straw hat", "The meeting place can't be changed", "Say the word about the poor hussar".
On September 21, 1916 Gerdt Zinoviy Efimovich was born. This is the well-known Soviet and Russian stage and film actor. He was born with name Zalman Hrapinovich. Friends called him "Zyam". He was the younger fourth child in the Jewish family. Since the childhood he wrote poems. At the age of 16 he moved from Sebezha to Moscow to his brother. In Moscow he graduated from a factory school and worked as the construction electrician. At the same time he played at theater. Three years later he became a part of a main theatrical group. Gerdt is an artistic pseudonym of the actor. On June, 1941 Zinoviy Gerdt went to a front as a volunteer. In 1943 near Kharkov he was wounded in a foot and underwent ed 11 operations. After operations he returned to theater again. Then he started acting in films, but at first as a doubler. he was the host of several telecasts. He played in movies: "A gold calf", "12 chairs", "A straw hat", "The meeting place can't be changed", "Say the word about the poor hussar".
- over, through
- theater
- verse, lines
- anew, over again
- after(wards), later (on)
- to change, to alter
- age
- childhood
- younger