Сегодня родился Тургенев Иван Сергеевич
9 ноября 1818 года в городе Орёл родился Тургенев Иван Сергеевич. Это русский писатель-реалист, поэт, публицист, драматург, переводчик. Тургенев является одним из классиков русской литературы, который внёс наиболее значительный вклад в её развитие во второй половине XIX века. Иван Тургенев первым в русской литературе начал изучать личность «нового человека» — шестидесятника, его нравственные качества и психологические особенности. Благодаря ему в русском языке стал широко использоваться термин «нигилист». Наиболее известные произведения Тургенева цикл рассказов «Записки охотника», рассказ «Муму», повесть «Ася», романы «Дворянское гнездо», «Отцы и дети».
On November 9, 1818 in the city of Eagle was born Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich. This is a Russian writer realist, a poet, a publicist, a playwright, a translator. Turgenev is one of classics of the Russian literature who brought the most significant contribution to its development in the second half of the XIX century. Ivan Turgenev was the first in the Russian literature who started studying the identity of "a new person" — a man of the sixties, his moral qualities and psychological features. Thanks to it in Russian the term "nihilist" began to be used widely. The most known works of Turgenev are cycle of stories "Hunter's Notes", story "Mumu", story "Asya", novels "Noble Nest", "Fathers and Children".
On November 9, 1818 in the city of Eagle was born Turgenev Ivan Sergeyevich. This is a Russian writer realist, a poet, a publicist, a playwright, a translator. Turgenev is one of classics of the Russian literature who brought the most significant contribution to its development in the second half of the XIX century. Ivan Turgenev was the first in the Russian literature who started studying the identity of "a new person" — a man of the sixties, his moral qualities and psychological features. Thanks to it in Russian the term "nihilist" began to be used widely. The most known works of Turgenev are cycle of stories "Hunter's Notes", story "Mumu", story "Asya", novels "Noble Nest", "Fathers and Children".
- Russian
- novel
- story
- development (noun, n.)
- writer
- translator, interpretator
- to study, to learn
- city (noun, m.)
- thanks to
- literature