Сегодня родился Колчак Александр Васильевич
16 ноября 1874 года родился Колчак Александр Васильевич. Это русский военный и политический деятель, флотоводец, учёный-океанограф, полярный исследователь. Колчак был одним из крупнейших полярных исследователей конца XIX — начала XX веков, участником ряда русских полярных экспедиций. Александр учился в Морском училище. Колчак занимался самообразованием, пытался изучить китайский язык, увлекался океанографией и гидрологией Тихого океана. Александр служил на крейсерах и принимал участия в научных экспедициях. Колчак принимал участие в русской полярной экспедиции и в Экспедиции Северно-Ледовитого океана.
On November 16, 1874 Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich was born. This is a Russian military and a politician, a naval commander, a scientist-oceanographer, a polar researcher. Kolchak was one of the largest polar researchers of the end of XIX — the beginnings of the XX centuries, a participant of a number of Russian polar expeditions. Alexander studied at Sea Cadet Corps. Kolchak was engaged in self-education, tried to learn Chinese, was fond of oceanography and a hydrology of the Pacific Ocean. Alexander served on cruisers and took part in scientific expeditions. Kolchak took part in the Russian polar expedition and in Expedition to the Arctic ocean.
On November 16, 1874 Kolchak Alexander Vasilyevich was born. This is a Russian military and a politician, a naval commander, a scientist-oceanographer, a polar researcher. Kolchak was one of the largest polar researchers of the end of XIX — the beginnings of the XX centuries, a participant of a number of Russian polar expeditions. Alexander studied at Sea Cadet Corps. Kolchak was engaged in self-education, tried to learn Chinese, was fond of oceanography and a hydrology of the Pacific Ocean. Alexander served on cruisers and took part in scientific expeditions. Kolchak took part in the Russian polar expedition and in Expedition to the Arctic ocean.
- scientist
- ocean
- to study, to learn
- military man
- to take part, to participate
- northern
- sea, marine
- Chinese