Самые древние пуговицы были обнаружены в Индии в долине реки Инд (2800—2600 до нашей эры). Подобные предметы были также найдены в Китае, а также на бывших территориях Древнего Рима и Древней Греции. Пуговицы, изготовленные из ракушек, использовались в Индской цивилизации для декоративных целей приблизительно в 2000 году до нашей эры. Некоторые пуговицы имели правильные геометрические формы и отверстия, чтобы их можно было привязать к одежде с помощью нити. В прошлом пуговица была одним из важных магических амулетов, призванных отпугивать враждебные человеку силы. На Руси именно эта функция пуговицы долгое время оставалась основной.
The most ancient buttons were found in India in the valley of the Indus River (2800 — 2600 B.C.). Similar subjects were also found in China, and also in the former territories of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. The buttons made of cockleshells were used in the Indsky civilization for the decorative purposes approximately in 2000 B.C. Some buttons had the correct geometrical forms and holes to bind to clothes by thread. In the past the button was one of the important magic amulets urged to frighten off forces hostile to the person. In Russia this function of a button long time remained the main.
The most ancient buttons were found in India in the valley of the Indus River (2800 — 2600 B.C.). Similar subjects were also found in China, and also in the former territories of Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. The buttons made of cockleshells were used in the Indsky civilization for the decorative purposes approximately in 2000 B.C. Some buttons had the correct geometrical forms and holes to bind to clothes by thread. In the past the button was one of the important magic amulets urged to frighten off forces hostile to the person. In Russia this function of a button long time remained the main.
- man, person
- object, item
- time
- clothes
- ancient
- Greece