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Good start

Russians have one proverb – «Как корабль назовёшь, так он и поплывёт» [Kak karábl′ nazavyósh′, tak on i paplyvyót] – As you name a ship, as she sails (English version: A bad beginning makes a bad ending). It means, the development of every business will be the same as it’s start.

And now let’s try to use this proverb for learning the Russian language. Do you know that majority of people quit to learn a new language in 1-3 months if training method is incorrect? By the way, it’s not only about Russian, but many other languages too. So, it is very important to begin correctly further to make it easier, not harder.

What are common mistakes?

Mistake №1: To learn the language as a foreigner and not as a native speaker. Do you remember how you started to learn your mother tongue? For the first, you listened to speech, and then you tried to repeat it, after that to read, and then to write when you went to school. What stops you to use the same way, but only with a new language? Nothing! Start listening to, listening a lot to audio podcasts, music, video with a speech, movies, radio.

Mistake №2: The good beginning is an alphabet and many new words. A speech doesn’t consist of words, but of sentences, that have these words. Memorize phrases with words in sentences and small easy dialogues. Gradually add difficult words in your speech. If there are many hard moments, you’ll be tired and, as a result, will stop learning process. The alphabet is better to connect from letter to letter when you already know the usage examples. («А» - аппетитный арбуз [apitítnyj arbús] – appetizing watermelon, «С» - синяя сумка [sínyaya súmka] – blue bag).

Mistake №3: I’ll start as a foreigner, and then I’ll learn to speak as the Russians. How do you realize you see a person for who your language is non-native? That’s right, he/she won’t use spoken language which is accepted among native speakers (for who the language is native). You won’t hear proverbs, sayings, easy or funny spoken phrases from him/her. Add from the first days, day by day a few such phrases (idioms), which can be explained by simple things. You will learn to speak the real Russian language at the same time. For example:

- «У меня нет времени это сделать» [U minyá net vrémini eta sdélat′] – I don’t have time to do this – a foreigner will say

- «У меня руки не доходят до этого» [U minyá rúki ni dakhódyat da étava] – Never gets around to it - a Russian native speaker will say

Mistake №4: When I have time, then I’ll learn the language. Better not to start learning the language at all, because a good result is 2-3 lessons per week. At first, it may be difficult, and then you’ll get used to. The pause can be 3-4 days maximally between lessons.

Call your ship → «My easy Russian language»

→don’t make four mistakes

→and soon you’ll speak, maybe simple, but clear phrases to you and other people

Good luck in learning Russian!

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