Запуск "Союз-24"
7 февраля 1977 года был запущен советский пилотируемый космический корабль "Союз-24". Это была экспедиция на орбитальную станцию "Салют-5". Основной целью экспедиции было частичная замена атмосферы орбитальной станции, так как на Земле возникло предположение, что в атмосферу станции выделились токсичные вещества из внутренней обшивки, которые могли неблагоприятно воздействовать на здоровье космонавтов предыдущей экспедиции.
On February 7, 1977 the Soviet piloted spaceship "Soyuz-24" was launched. It was expedition to the Salute-5 space station. A main objective of the expedition was partial replacement of the atmosphere of the space station as on Earth there was an assumption that in the atmosphere of the station toxic substances had been emited from an internal covering which could influence health of astronauts of the previous expedition.
On February 7, 1977 the Soviet piloted spaceship "Soyuz-24" was launched. It was expedition to the Salute-5 space station. A main objective of the expedition was partial replacement of the atmosphere of the space station as on Earth there was an assumption that in the atmosphere of the station toxic substances had been emited from an internal covering which could influence health of astronauts of the previous expedition.
- station
- ship