День пограничника
Ежегодно 28 мая празднуется День пограничника во всех странах бывшего СНГ, в том числе в России. Это профессиональный праздник всех пограничников, которые охраняют границы своей страны. В России это очень важная профессия. Потому что длина границ России составляет 60 тысяч километров (для сравнения - длина экватора всего 40 тысяч километров). Праздник направлен на демонстрацию боевой мощи пограничных войск, а также на поднятие боевого духа офицеров, солдат и матросов исполняющих воинский долг перед страной на море и на суше. В день пограничника принято производить возложение цветов и венков на могиле неизвестному солдату в знак уважения защитникам страны.
Annually on May 28 the Frontier Guard Day in all countries of the former CIS, including in Russia is celebrated. It is a professional holiday of all frontier guards who protect borders of their country. In Russia it is very important profession. Because the length of the border of Russia is 60 thousand kilometers (for comparison - the length of the equator is only 40 thousand kilometers). The holiday is directed for demonstration of fighting power of the border troops, and also on a raising of fighting spirit of officers, soldiers and sailors executing a military duty before the country at the sea and on the land. In the Frontier Guard Day it is accepted to put flowers and wreaths on a grave to the unknown soldier to honor the defenders of the country.
Annually on May 28 the Frontier Guard Day in all countries of the former CIS, including in Russia is celebrated. It is a professional holiday of all frontier guards who protect borders of their country. In Russia it is very important profession. Because the length of the border of Russia is 60 thousand kilometers (for comparison - the length of the equator is only 40 thousand kilometers). The holiday is directed for demonstration of fighting power of the border troops, and also on a raising of fighting spirit of officers, soldiers and sailors executing a military duty before the country at the sea and on the land. In the Frontier Guard Day it is accepted to put flowers and wreaths on a grave to the unknown soldier to honor the defenders of the country.
- soldier
- celebration, holiday, festival
- boundary