Сегодня родилась Варсанофьева Вера Александровна
22 июля 1890 года в Москве родилась Варсанофьева Вера Александровна. Это советский геолог, геоморфолог. Это первая женщина, получившая учёную степень доктора геолого-минералогических наук без защиты диссертации. За свою жизнь она написала несколько книг, в том числе "Происхождение Урала и его горных богатств" и "Происхождение и строение Земли". Ее именем названы гора и ледник на Приполярном Урале, мыс на острове Новая Земля.
On July 22, 1890 in Moscow Varsanofyeva Vera Aleksandrovna was born. This is a Soviet geologist, a geomorphologist. This is the first woman who has received an academic degree of the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences without thesis defense. For her life she has written several books, including "Origin of the Urals and its mountain riches" and "Origin and a structure of Earth". The mountain and a glacier in the Subpolar Urals, the cape on the island Novaya Zemlya were called by her name.
On July 22, 1890 in Moscow Varsanofyeva Vera Aleksandrovna was born. This is a Soviet geologist, a geomorphologist. This is the first woman who has received an academic degree of the doctor of geological and mineralogical sciences without thesis defense. For her life she has written several books, including "Origin of the Urals and its mountain riches" and "Origin and a structure of Earth". The mountain and a glacier in the Subpolar Urals, the cape on the island Novaya Zemlya were called by her name.
- island
- some, several
- Earth
- woman
- life