Сегодня родился Виктор Савельевич Онопко
14 октября 1969 года родился Виктор Савельевич Онопко. Это советский и российский футболист, защитник и опорный полузащитник, заслуженный мастер спорта России. Вместе с Сергеем Игнашевичем являются рекордсменами по количеству матчей за сборную России (109 игр) и остаются единственными футболистами в сборной, которые смогли сыграть за неё более 100 матчей. Виктор играл за киевское "Динамо", затем за московский "Спартак", потом за испанский клуб "Овьедо" а затем с 2002 года в течение года он выступал за мадридский "Райо Вальекано". В данный момент Виктор работает в клубе ЦСКА (Москва). Виктор Онопко женат и имеет двух детей: сына и дочь.
On October 14, 1969 Victor Savelyevich Onopko was born. This is a Soviet and Russian football player, a quarterback and a defensive midfielder, the Honoured Master of Sports of Russia. Together with Sergey Ignashevich are champions by number of matches for Russian national team (109 games) and remain the only football player in the national team who could play for it more than 100 matches. Victor played for Kiev "Dynamo", then for Moscow "Spartak", then he played for Spanish club "Oviedo" and since 2002 within a year he played for Madrid "Rayo Vallecano". At present Victor works in CSKA club (Moscow). Victor Onopko is married and has two children: a son and a daughter.
On October 14, 1969 Victor Savelyevich Onopko was born. This is a Soviet and Russian football player, a quarterback and a defensive midfielder, the Honoured Master of Sports of Russia. Together with Sergey Ignashevich are champions by number of matches for Russian national team (109 games) and remain the only football player in the national team who could play for it more than 100 matches. Victor played for Kiev "Dynamo", then for Moscow "Spartak", then he played for Spanish club "Oviedo" and since 2002 within a year he played for Madrid "Rayo Vallecano". At present Victor works in CSKA club (Moscow). Victor Onopko is married and has two children: a son and a daughter.
- fotball-player
- to play
- sport
- Russian
- Spanish
- merried
- together
- sportsman