Сегодня родился Пирогов Николай Иванович
25 ноября 1810 года в Москве родился Пирогов Николай Иванович. Это знаменитый русский хирург и анатом, естествоиспытатель и педагог, создатель первого атласа топографической анатомии, основоположник русской военно-полевой хирургии, основатель русской школы анестезии. Тело Пирогова было забальзамировано его лечащим врачом Д. И. Выводцевым с использованием разработанного им метода, и погребено в мавзолее в деревне Вишня под Винницей. Основное значение деятельности Н. И. Пирогова состоит в том, что он превратил хирургию в науку, вооружив врачей научно обоснованной методикой оперативного вмешательства. Пирогов внес также большой вклад в развитие военно-полевой хирургии.
On November 25, 1810 in Moscow Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich was born. This is a well-known Russian surgeon and an anatomist, a scientist and a teacher, a founder of the first atlas of topographical anatomy, a founder of the Russian field surgery, a founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. After Pirogov's death his body was embalmed by his attending physician D. I. Vyvodtsev with use of a method developed by him, and was buried in the mausoleum in the village Vishnya under Vinnitsa. Major importance of activity of N. I. Pirogov consists in that he turned surgery into science, having armed doctors with an evidence-based technique of surgery. Pirogov made also a big contribution to development of field surgery.
On November 25, 1810 in Moscow Pirogov Nikolay Ivanovich was born. This is a well-known Russian surgeon and an anatomist, a scientist and a teacher, a founder of the first atlas of topographical anatomy, a founder of the Russian field surgery, a founder of the Russian school of anesthesia. After Pirogov's death his body was embalmed by his attending physician D. I. Vyvodtsev with use of a method developed by him, and was buried in the mausoleum in the village Vishnya under Vinnitsa. Major importance of activity of N. I. Pirogov consists in that he turned surgery into science, having armed doctors with an evidence-based technique of surgery. Pirogov made also a big contribution to development of field surgery.
- Russian
- development (noun, n.)
- meaning
- big (adj, m.)
- countryside, village
- military man