Сегодня родился Свиридов Георгий Васильевич
16 декабря 1915 года родился Свиридов Георгий Васильевич. Это известный советский и российский композитор, пианист. Среди его музыкальных произведений всемирно известный вальс к фильму по повести Александра Пушкина "Метель" (1964) и сюита "Время, вперёд!" (1965), тема заставки советского главного выпуска новостей "Время" в 21 час. Со школьных лет Свиридов увлекался музыкой, играл на балалайке. Свиридов учился в Ленинградской консерватории в классе композиции Рязанова и Шостаковича.
On December 16, 1915 Sviridov Georgy Vasilyevich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian composer, a pianist. Among his pieces of music a world famous waltz to the movie according to Alexander Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" (1964) and the suite "Time, forward!" (1965), subject of prompt of the Soviet main news "Time" at 21 o'clock. Since school years Sviridov was fond of music, played a balalaika. Sviridov studied in the Leningrad conservatory in a class of composition of Ryazanov and Shostakovich.
On December 16, 1915 Sviridov Georgy Vasilyevich was born. This is a famous Soviet and Russian composer, a pianist. Among his pieces of music a world famous waltz to the movie according to Alexander Pushkin's story "Snowstorm" (1964) and the suite "Time, forward!" (1965), subject of prompt of the Soviet main news "Time" at 21 o'clock. Since school years Sviridov was fond of music, played a balalaika. Sviridov studied in the Leningrad conservatory in a class of composition of Ryazanov and Shostakovich.
- film
- Russian
- composer
- class
- famous
- time
- straight on