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How to express belonging in the future tense

Hello, dear student! Learning the ways of expressing belonging in Russian, we have already discussed the present and past tenses. Now let's find out how to say about something that will happen in future, that has not happened yet.

To make up an affirmative sentence, we need the future form of the verb "быть" - "будет" or "будут" depending on plural or singular form, for example:

У Толика будут много хороших дней в жизни [U Tolika budut mnoga kharoshykh dnej v zhizni] - Tolik will have lots of good days in his life

Скоро у нас будет своя квартира [Skora u nas budit svaya kvartira] - We will have our own flat soon

To make up a negative sentence, we should use the following form: particle "не" + будет:

У них никогда не будет столько денег [U nikh nikagda ni budit stol'ka denig] - They will never have such amount of money.

У этих людей не будут такие продукты в магазине [U ekhtikh lyudej ni budut takie pradukty v magazine] - These people will not have such products in the shop

Please, pat attention, that a noun after the form "будет/будут" are always in the Genitive case:

У Саши не будет времени [U Sashi ni budit vremeni] - Sasha won't have time

Не будет (чего?) времени - won't be (what?) time, noun in the Genitive case

У Вас не будет другой возможности [U vas ni budit drugoj vazmozhnasti] - You won't have another chance.

Не будет (чего?) возможности - won't have (what?) chance, noun in the Genitive case

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