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Игорь Тамм

Famous people of Russia born today:
8 июля [iyulya] (July) 1895

Igor Tamm
was a Soviet physicist who received the 1958 Nobel Prize in Physics, jointly with
Pavel Cherenkov and Ilya Frank, for their 1934 discovery of Cherenkov radiation.

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The Russian athlete Sergey Ustyugov won the skiathlon world Championship in Finnish Lahti. The winner of the "Tour de Ski" 2017 overcame a distance of 15 km in classical style and 15 km in freestyle in 1:09:16
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Tags: Russes
Еще одна хорошая новость! Россиянин Павел выиграл чемпионат мира по 'Hearthstone' на BlizzCon 2016! В этом году призовой фонд Blizzard составил миллион долларов. И россиянин Павел 'Pavel' Бельтюков забирает $250,000 за первое место. Поздравляем!

More good news! Russia's Pavel Wins BlizzCon's 2016 'Hearthstone' World Championship! Blizzard dumped a million dollars into the prize pool this year, and taking home the $250,000 first place cut is Russia's Pavel 'Pavel' Beltukov. Congratulations!
Tags: Russes
Отличные новости! Известный голливудский актёр Стивен Сигал получил российское гражданство. Россиян стало больше!

Great news! Famous Hollywood actor Steven Seagal has been granted Russian citizenship. Now we have more Russians!
Tags: Russes
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