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Hej! Söker du en aktiv lärare som brinner för sitt yrke? Då har du hittat rätt Jag har sysslat med språkundervisning i över 15 år och det verkar som jag aldrig kommer att tröttna. Att träffa nya elever är alltid roligt, och att skapa en ny kurs för just DINA behov känns som en riktigt kul utmaning för mig. Då blir det dags för information på engelska i stället.

Hi! Are you looking for an active teacher burning for her profession? Then you've found the right one! I've been working with language teaching over 15 years and it seems that I'll never get tired of it. Meeting new students is always a great pleasure, and trying to create a course suitable for YOU can never stop being a fantastic challenge to look forward to.

I've graduated fr om Moscow State teacher training university wh ere I studied English, German and Swedish. As the name of the university suggests, teaching is really my primary profession. Since I graduated, I've created several courses of my own, all based on my strong belief that the learning process can be successful only in case it's fun. Funny texts, exercises that make you think in an extraordinary way and "difficult questions" about all sides of life and talk about it even when you hardly know a hundred words - that's what's important for me.

Interested? Just contact me! I take 20 Euro for 45 minutes. Classes are available by Skype or by e-mails (then the price is lower). Hope to see you soon!

翻译 (ru-zh)