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Hello! My name is Antonina. I am fr om Russia.

I am 32. The place wh ere my family live is a small town in Saratov region. I am a teacher of Russian by education. But I chose to devote myself to my home and family and decided to try myself in teaching Russian to foreigners. I worked out my own lessons using the most effective popular methods and I'd like to present my lessons to you. I tried to make them simple, clear and effective. Each lesson consists of several parts: grammar, listening and speaking or reading. I also added some facts which deal with history, traditions and customs of this country.

My lessons are the result of painstaking work. Of course they are not free as it is my way to earn money, but the fees is not high.

I will send the first lesson for free and you may define to yourself weather you need it or not.

Übersetzung (ru-de)
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