Лечебное растение чистотел растет практически по всему миру в тенистых местах, садах, парках, во дворах, в лесах. Он имеет в своем составе, помимо лечебных компонентов, около 20 ядовитых веществ, которые губительно действуют на многие болезнетворные бактерии и микроорганизмы. Чистотел имеет широкий спектр действия: обезболивающее, бактерицидное и другие.
The medical plant Chelidonium grows practically worldwide in shady places, gardens, parks, in the yards, in the woods. It has in addition to other medical components about 20 toxic agents which has a harmful effect on many pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Chelidonium has a wide spectrum of activity: anesthetizing, bactericidal and others.
The medical plant Chelidonium grows practically worldwide in shady places, gardens, parks, in the yards, in the woods. It has in addition to other medical components about 20 toxic agents which has a harmful effect on many pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms. Chelidonium has a wide spectrum of activity: anesthetizing, bactericidal and others.