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Anastasia Ribitskaya

Anastasia Ribitskaya

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Anastasia Ribitskaya

Ever try to smile in Russian?

I'll un-foreign Russian for you. 

Yes, I've done it before. You can see the information about my expirience on

Somebody famous said once that you can't fathom Russia or grasp it with your understanding. Want to know who it was and why he felt that way? From poets to politicians, from business to beauty, we'll get into it, and I'll expound and elaborate. First you're going to be in awe. Then in a state of permanent gratitude, like all of my students. You are welcome to contact me by e-mail or by skype anastasia.ribitskaya

I don't just do language, you see. My progressive learning method will help you get to the very core of the whole Russian deal. You'll be happy you did.

Traducción (ru-es)
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