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DACHA. From history to modernity

There are many ways to increase your motivation to learn a foreign language, in our case Russian. One of the options is to communicate with living native speakers of the Russian language and study their life and mode of life.

In every language, there are untranslatable words that are understood by its native speakers, because they reflect the life of the people. Today, let's talk about one of these words in Russian, which is related to their way of life.

This is the word «ДАЧА» [da′cha] – DACHA. Briefly, it is a suburban area, a house (small, medium, large - dimensions are not important) in the suburbs, which is a resting place for people (one person, family) and meeting friends, relatives, etc. It is a place of rest, rapprochement, and, even the lifestyle of a Russian person. And if you look at this word widely, you can see a whole history that reflects the culture of our people.

This word has a long history and exists in modern Russian nowadays. In this article, you will learn a bit about its history. However the best way for you to understand its meaning and get acquainted with our culture is, upon arrival in Russia, to accept the invitation to visit this dacha. Then your emotions will combine with the desire learn more our language

1. History

"DACHA" or "gift" first appeared in the days of Tsar Ivan IV the Terrible. Such houses were the currency that the first Russian tsars paid with the estate on their service. It was a way of dealing with influential princes. With the help of dachas, kings received the favor and support of the estate and the small nobility. Dachas were given for the time of service.

Emperor Peter I made dachas popular and suburban areas began to be transferred to permanent use forever.

The next wave of popularity of summer cottages occurred during the Soviet era. A Soviet man having a dacha became a cult figure. Many remarkable works, now become classics of literature and art, were written at dachas. And how many ingenious clever plans were created on them!

2. Nowadays

Nowadays many families have dachas, especially in big cities. Now, this is not a fashion, but rather a necessity.

Why does a modern Russian person need a ДАЧА?

ДАЧА – it is an opportunity to have your house in the nature;

Максим и Даша построили свой дом недалеко от Звенигорода. Отлично! Теперь будем приезжать в гости друг к другу. – [Maksím i Dásha pastróili svój dom nidalikó ot Zvinígarada. Atlíchno! Tipér′ búdim priezhát′ v gósti druk k drúgu.] – Maxim and Dasha have built their house near Zvenigorod. Fine! Now we’ll visit each other.

ДАЧА – it’s an opportunity to have your own garden and plant fruit, berries and vegetables there;

-У нас есть дача под Клином. Мы посадили в этом году пять молодых яблонь. Через несколько лет у нас будет свой урожай яблок. – [U nas yest′ dácha pad Klínam. My pasadíli v étam gadú pyat′ maladýh yáblan′. Chéres néskal′ka l′ét u nas búdit svój urazh́aj yáblak.] – We have dacha near Klin. We planted five young apple trees this year.

ДАЧА – it’s an opportunity to escape from the city noise in a quiet place on the countryside, near the forest with a fresh air;

-Скорей бы выходные! Поеду на дачу, подышу лесным воздухом. – [Skaréj by vykhadnýi! Payédu na dáchu, padyshú lisným vózdukham.] – Hurry up weekend! Will go to the dacha and get some fresh forest air.

ДАЧА – it’s an opportunity, without leaving the country, to change quickly the situation for several days and restore strength for a new working week;

-Давай устроим себе короткий отпуск на 3-4 дня на даче! Поедем с детьми и побудем вдали от Москвы. – [Daváj ustróim sibé karótkij ótpusk na 3-4 dnya na dáchi! Payédim s dit′mí i pabúdim vdalí ot Maskvý.] – Let’s have ourselves a short vacation for 3-4 days at the dacha! Will go with kids and will stay away from Moscow.

ДАЧА – it’s a perfect place for a meeting with relatives and friends for holidays;

-Завтра прилетает Джон на конференцию. Он сказал, что пробудет в России две недели. – [Záftra prilitáyit Dzhon na kanfiréntsiyu. On skazál, shto prabúdit v Rasíi dve nidéli.] – John is coming tomorrow to the conference. He said, that he would stay in Russia for two weeks.

-Нужно обязательно его пригласить к нам на дачу и познакомить с нашими друзьями. – [Núzhna abizátil′na yevó priglasít′ k nam na dáchu i paznakómit′ s náshimi druz′yámi.] – It’s definitely to invite him to our dacha and introduce him to our friends.

-Конечно! Думаю, он будет рад. Для Джона-фотографа это будет подарок и вдохновение одновременно. – [Kanéshna! Dúmaju, on búdit rad. Dlya Dzhóna-fatógrafa éta búdit padárak i vdakhnavéniye adnavrémenna.] – Sure! I think, he’ll be happy. For John, the photographer, it will be a gift and inspiration at the same time.

P.S.: Would you like to visit one of these dachas and get acquainted with the real country life of Russian people?

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