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Падать духом
[padat` dukhom]
- to lose courage
What it means: to lose optimism, will, to be upset, to lose enthusiasm.
Падать на бесплодную почву
[padat` na besplodnuyu pochvu]
- to fall on stony ground
What it means: to get into unfavorable conditions.
Падать с неба
[padat` s neba]
- to come back to earth
What it means: to appear suddenly, to appear from nowhere.
Палец о палец не ударить
[palets o palets ne udarit`]
- not to do a hand's turn
What it means: to do nothing for reaching a goal, to undertake nothing.
Пальцем не пошевелить
[pal`tsem ne poshevelit`]
- not to lift a hand
What it means: to do nothing, to underrtake nothing, not to take any actions.
Пан или пропал
[pan ili propal]
- to make a spoon or spoil a horn
What it means: all or nothing, happen what may.
Пара пустяков
[para pustyakov]
- easy as ABC
What it means: easily, simply, without problems.
Парень не промах
[paren` ne promakh]
- a fast worker
What it means: a thrifty person, the one who always knows where one’s interests lie, very smart, skilful, far-sighted.
Перебегать дорогу
[perebegat` dorogu]
- to steal a march on somebody
What it means: to overset someone’s plans, to embrace something, to handicap somebody, to create difficulties or obstacles to somebody.
Перебиваться с хлеба на квас
[perebivat`sya s khleba na kvas]
- to live from hand to mouth
What it means: to be on short commons, to hardly exist, to live out-of-pocket, to scratch along.
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Translation (ru-en)
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