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Lesson plan outline on РКИ (Russian as a foreign language)

Lesson topic: «The declension of nouns with pronouns and adjectives».
Lesson aims:
Educational: to study the declension of nouns with pronouns and adjectives and learn how to use them in communicative situations.
Development: perfection of a communicative competence during the habits trainings of the usage of nouns with pronouns and adjectives.
Pedagogic: a student's mindset formation through reading culturological texts about Russia.
Lesson type: forming of new knowledge about the declension of nouns with pronouns and adjectives.
Teaching aids: textbook "Doroga v Rossiyu-2" (Nahabina).
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Lesson plan outline:
  1. Organizational details of the beginning of the lesson – (exchange of greetings, questions about how a student has spent his day before, what news and problems he/she has. You can spend time on the conversation about student's hobbies or news from his homeland). 3 minutes.
  2. Vocal warm-up exercises – (The work on teaching and correction of pronunciation of sounds, syllables, phrases. Tongue-twisters). 5 minutes.
  3. Homework control (from a manual for writing, Belyaeva, Nahabina). 5 minutes.
  4. Introduction to new vocabulary (20 words) – 5 minutes.
  5. Introduction of new learning material and shaping new language and speech habits (10-15 minutes).

Adjectives and pronouns of neuter gender change as adjectives of masculine gender. For example, это высокое здание (4=1), этого высокого здания (2), этому высокому зданию (3), рядом с этим высоким зданием (5), в этом высоком здании (6).
Questions to adjectives and pronouns, which are connected with inanimate nouns of masculine and neuter genders in nominative (1) and accusative (4) cases, are similar ((какой?какое?) (4=1).
Questions to adjectives and pronouns, which are connected with animate nouns of masculine gender in genitive (2) and accusative (4) cases, are similar: какого? (2=4).
The declension of feminine nouns with pronouns and adjectives.
Adjectives of feminine gender singular have only 3 endings: -ая/-яя(1),-ую/-юю(4),-ой/-ей (2,3,5,6).

  1. Consolidation of new language skills. Reading the text "Gorod na Volge, "Chistiye Prudy", answers to the questions after the text. (20-25 minutes).
  2. Generalization and arrangement of learning material (5-10 minutes). Exercises from the textbook.
  3. Control and examination of language and speech habits (5-10 minutes). Usage of the words from new vocabulary, compiling examples on adjectives declension).
  4. Summarizing. (3-5 minutes).
  5. Homework. (New vocabulary – 20 words). 3 minutes.

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