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Comparative adjectives. Simple and compound

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Today we are going to talk about the comparative form of compound adjectives. It seems to be one of the easiest topics in Russian, however, there are also some nuances which you should remember.

The comparative form of compound adjectives is made by means of the word «более» + adjective of appropriate person, gender and case.

Интересный - более интересный рассказ [Intir'esnyy - bolie intiresnyy raskaz] - Interesting - more interesting story
Талантливый - более талантливая танцовщица [Talantlivaya - bolie talantlivaya tantsofshhitsa] - Talented - more talented dancer

In the first sentence the word «рассказ» is masculine, that’s why we use the adjective «более интереснЫЙ»
In the second sentence the word «танцовщица» is feminine, that’s why we use «более талантливА»

On the contrary, to express that something has worse quality than another one, we use the word «менее» + adjective of appropriate person, gender and case.

Дешёвый - менее дешёвый продукт, чем у нас в стране [Dishyoviy - menie dishyovyy pradukt, chem u nas f strane] - Cheap - cheaper product than in our country.
Он менее талантливый, чем его отец [On menie talantlivyj, chem ivo atets] - He is less talented than his father.

In these examples the word «менее» shows, that one quality is worse than another.

As for word-formation and composition of a sentence, it’s necessary to consider that we use:
«Чем» + Nominative case after compound adjective or when adjective is in any case, except Nominative. For example,

Эта поездка была более удачной, чем поездка в Москву [Ekhta paeska byla bolie udachnay, chem paeska v Maskvu] - This trip was more successful than the trip to Moscow.

There are some sentences to practise: determine whether it is simple or compound adjective:

- Мой отец старше, чем моя мать – My father is older than my mother.
- Яблоки дешевле, чем виноград – Apples are cheaper than grapes.
- Муж Наташи зарабатывает больше, чем она. – Natasha’s husband earns more than she.
- Снег в этом году более белый, чем в прошлом ­– This winter snow is whiter than in the previous one
- Я люблю тебя не менее, чем папа – I love you no less than father does.

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