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Idioms (not) about weather

The Russian language is incredibly rich in idioms. We use them and most often do not even think about literal meaning of a fixed phrase. If we get used to hear idiomatic expressions in a certain context since our childhood, then our brain automatically conveys the real meaning of this set of words "codified" throughout the history. It concerns any language, but Russian allows us to make subject collections of idioms and fixed phrases. For example, let's look at some expressions that mention weather conditions or events in this article which, by the way, are not about the weather itself.

If you start noticing such idioms, your language will be rich, speech will become natural and your vocabulary will extend in different topics.

Idioms with the word "ветер" (wind)

Быстрее ветра [Bystree vetra] - fleeter than the wind (very fast).

Ищи ветра в поле [Ishchi vetra f pole] - you can't catch the wind in a net (something has been lost or disappeared).

Как ветром сдуло [Kak vetram sdula] - vanish into thin air (something has been disappeared).

Ветер в голове [Veter v galave] - someone is mush for brains (scatterbrain).

Бросать слова на ветер [Brasat' slava na veter] - to talk to the wind.

Не выполнять обещания [Ne vypalnyat' abishchaniya] - to fail in a promise.

Держать нос по ветру [Dirzhat' nos na vitru] - to see how the wind blows (to foresee events, to take bearings quickly, to be able to solve current problems).

Idioms with the word "снег" (snow)

Как снег на голову [Kak snek na galavu] - out of the blue (suddenly, spontaneously).

Искать прошлогодний снег [Iskat' prashlagodniy snek] - wilde goose chase (something useless).

Idioms about the thunderstorm and storm

Как гром среди ясного неба [Kak grom sridi yasnava neba] - like a bolt out of the blue (suddenly).

Буря в стакане воды [Burya v stakane vady] - storm in a tea-cup (an exaggerated small problem).

Затишье перед бурей [Zatish'ye pered burey] - the lull before the storm (calm time before any exciting event, feeling of something significant coming).

Как громом пораженный [Kak gromam parazhyonnyy] - hit like a ton of bricks (shocked).

Метать гром и молнии [Mitat' grom i molnii] - to storm onto set (to get angry, to curse).

Idioms about the sky

Витать в облаках [Vitat' v ablakakh] - to be out of touch with reality (to dream).

Быть чернее тучи [Byt' chirnee tuchi] - to be like thunder (to be dark, sad, depressed).

Тучи сгустились над головой [Tuchi sgustilis' nad galavoy] - danger is threatening sb (problems).

Быть на седьмом небе [Byt' na sid'mom nebe] - to be in seventh heaven (to be happy).

Спуститься с небес на землю [Spustit'sya s nibes na zemlyu] - to come down to earth (be rational logical rather than emotional).

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